Academic Topics

Rule of which law? Separation of powers is one of the fundamental pillars of Western democracy. However, interference of the political power in the judiciary system is common in EU Member States like Hungary, Poland or Spain. Keeping this in mind, how should the EU act in order to ensure the rule of law in all its Member States?

Security risk, humanitarian crisis, or potential for change? For the past decade, Member States such as France and Germany have been present militarily in the Sahel region, emphasising the security and migration risks the regional instability may have for Europe. Keeping in mind Europe's imperialistic history in the region, how can Member States efficiently provide humanitarian aid to the Sahel countries and support the building of strong civic societies in the region?

No history, no future: Since the fall of authoritarian regimes in Europe, many historical monuments and sites reminiscing about those past periods have been destroyed. How can the EU protect the cultural and historical heritage of its Member States, while ensuring there are no steps back in democracy?

9 to 5, what a way to make a living, all taking and no giving: Psychosocial risks in the workplace, such as high workload or long working hours, have profound negative impacts on workers, employers, and the economy. How should the EU enhance its legal framework to explicitly address and regulate psychosocial risks and mental health issues in the workplace, promoting worker well-being and overall occupational safety and health?

Navigating Europe's Highs: The European Drug Report 2023, shows alarming data on illicit drug use, addiction rates, and availability of substances among Europeans. With 6 out of 166 overdose deaths involving illicit drugs, what steps should the EU take to prevent the widespread “epidemic” of drug abuse?

Marry The Night: Approximately one third of the world’s population live in an area where the Milky Way is no longer visible at night due to artificial light. Keeping in mind its negative effects on wildlife, ecosystems, and citizens’ health, as well as the potential benefits associated with increased energy efficiency, what steps can the EU take to reduce light pollution?

Nuclear. It's pronounced nuclear. Nuclear energy has been labelled as "green" by the EU Green Deal. Being mindful of its key role in the green transition, as well as of its risks and long-lasting negative consequences, how should it be regulated within the EU?

Doxx the messenger: In 2021, 9 out 10 fact-checking outlets in Europe were targeted with online harassment and smear campaigns, including stalking and doxxing. What steps should the EU take to enhance media freedoms and protect journalists, media workers and their families from these intrusive and abusive practices?

Marriage for everyone and everywhere: While the Charter of Fundamental Rights prohibits discrimination on any grounds, the EU must balance LGBTQIA+ rights with varying Member States' perspectives. As more children grow up with same-sex parents, how can the EU ensure mutual recognition of family relations, especially for same-sex parents, across Member States to uphold their rights and protect their children legally?
