Events of EYP CZ

Event Safety

Event Safe Persons

Dany Pomyjová

+420 608 372 023

Group 274
Group 273

Katrusia Korpalo

+380 994 200 13

Event safety policy

To make sure the 13th Regional Selection Conference of EYP CZ Plzeň 2023 is a respectful, welcoming environment for all, there will be an Event Safe Person present during the session – this role will be fulfilled by Daniela Pomyjová and Katrusia Korpalo.  


If you observe or experience any behaviour that is inappropriate, offensive, or otherwise makes you or others uncomfortable or concerned, you can reach out to the Event Safe People at any time during the session via email or via phone.   

Alcohol policy

All participants under the age of 18 are prohibited by the law of the Czech Republic from drinking alcohol. All adult participants are allowed to consume alcohol with up to 15 % alcohol volume

Smoking and vaping policy

Smoking and vaping is prohibited for all underage participants during the session. Additionally, smoking is also prohibited in all indoor spaces. If you are of age, you are allowed to smoke outdoors, yet keep in mind that there are still some restrictions, such as near official buildings and public transport stops.