Session Activities
In the first part of this session, you will get to know other fellow Delegates via some activities and games. Firstly, you will take part in the General Teambuilding with all participants of the Conference, then you will join your Committee and spend the rest of the day with them. The aim is to make you feel welcome into the EYP atmosphere and to get you to know other participants. It will strengthen the bonds within your Committee, so that everyone is comfortable with working with each other and can achieve better results.
Dress code: Casual

Every Conference starts with an Opening Ceremony, during which you will be able to listen to inspiring speeches by distinguished guests and the session’s Leadership. Once the Ceremony is finished, the session is officially declared open.
Dress code: Formal
After the Opening Ceremony on Thursday, dinner will be conceived as a buffer from all around Europe. Every delegation will be allocated to a country before the session, whose food they will prepare at home, bring and later serve. Everyone will be able to discover tastes from many corners of Europe.
Dress code: Formal
Committee Work is one of the main parts of the Conference. You will be working within your Committee towards a resolution on your selected academic topic. During you will be accompanied and guided through by an experienced Chairperson. The outcome of your hard work, the Resolution, will then be presented at the General Assembly on Sunday.
Dress code: Smart Casual
On Friday, a Cultural Evening will take place. You will be able to discover various beauties of Ostrava depending on the choice you make beforehand. Later, you will return to your Committee and proceed to the Committee Dinners.
Dress code: Smart Casual
On Friday, after the Cultural Evening Programme, you and your Committee along with your Chairperson will have dinner at a restaurant. This is an excellent opportunity to bond further with your fellow Committee Members and engage in informal discussions. However, please keep in mind that you will be paying for your orders.
Dress code: Smart Casual
On Saturday evening, an engaging and informative Panel Debate will happen. This thought-provoking event will feature a group of knowledgeable professionals who will discuss the subject matter at hand, share their insights and opinions, and answer any questions that the audience may have.
Dress code: Smart Casual
The goal of the EYP Workshops is to enhance and expand your understanding of EYP and current affairs. These workshops will be conducted by experienced members of EYP CZ or external experts. You will have the freedom to choose which workshop you want to attend from the selection available.
Dress code: Smart Casual

The General Assembly will take place on the last day of the conference. During this meeting, each Committee will present and defend their Resolutions one by one. This will be followed by an open discussion where other Committees can ask questions and make proposals. Finally, all attendees will vote either in favor or against each Resolution. Only those that receive a majority of votes will pass.
Dress code: Formal
Following the General Assembly, the conference will conclude with a Closing Ceremony. During this Ceremony, attendees can expect to hear speeches from the Official’s Team leaders. Finally, the session President of the event will step forward to declare the Conference officially closed.
Dress code: Formal