Good to Know
Czech language crash course
- Ahoj /ahoy/ – Hi!
- Dobrý den /dobree den/– Hello!
- Nashledanou /nashledanou/ – See you soon!
- Prosím /proseem/ – Please!
- Děkuji /dyekuyi/ – Thank you!
- Pomoc /pomots/ – Help
While these phrases might help you, most young people speak English well enough for you to communicate.

The conversion rate at this moment is 1 EUR = 24,58 CZK or 1 CZK = 0,04 EUR
Common items’ prices:
- Coca-Cola (bottle): 30 CZK = 1.2 EUR
- Red Bull (250 ml): 40 CZK = 1.6 EUR
- Meal in a restaurant: 200 – 300 CZK = 8 – 12 EUR
- Water bottle (750 ml): 15 CZK = 0.6 EUR
In the Czech Republic, most businesses accept payment by card, please take that into account if you are considering exchanging a larger sum of Czech currency, as it might not be necessary.

Exchange money
If you need to exchange money, do so at an exchange office and make sure you are getting the right exchange rate, as some places might want to rip you off. This is common, especially in Prague. Here are some recommended exchange offices with good reviews:
In Prague:
In Ostrava
There is also an exchange office of the Czech Railways (České dráhy) if you are running out of time and need to exchange money on the train station. You can find the ČD Exchange Office in all bigger train stations, e.g. Praha hl.n., Ostrava hl.n., or Ostrava-Svinov. It is not necessarily the best exchange rate, and they mostly only accept cash, but it is still better than getting scammed.
Packing lists
- Documents (ID card/ Passport, Visa)
- Signed Code of Conduct
- Laptop/Tablet
- Personal medication
- Travel insurance if you are travelling from abroad
- Chargers for all of your electronic devices (Czech Republic uses the type E outlets)
- A reusable cup or a 50 CZK deposit as a deposit for one
- Clothes and shoes appropriate for events (casual, smart casual and formal).
Please remember to check the weather forecast and dress according to it. - Toiletries and a towel
- Money in cash for the Officials’ Dinner, possible entry fees for the Cultural Evening, the Committee Dinner and any session Merch you have ordered