Events of EYP CZ

Resolution Booklet

Committee Topics of OLM23

Home, A Place Where I Can Go: With at least 600,000 stateless people present in Europe, what steps should the
EU take in order to assist Member States in addressing statelessness determination procedures and ensure the
access of stateless people to their fundamental rights?


See the DROI interactive topic overview

Peace Signs All Around: Considering the amount of distress, uncertainty, and fear the acts of terrorism in
Brussels, Nice, Berlin, and London have caused since the launch of the European Counter Terrorism Centre in
January 2016, what further steps should the EU take to prevent acts of terrorism within its borders?


See the SEDE I interactive topic overview

Phishing Emails: With the Norwegian and Finnish parliaments recently facing cyber attacks, and rampant
misinformation campaigns being spread on social media, what can the EU do to protect Europeans from
disinformation and data theft by third countries?


See the SEDE II interactive topic overview

Blood Money: Countries such as Germany, France, or Switzerland are major arms exporters, often trading with
governments regularly violating international law or human rights. Taking into account the aforementioned
economic interests, what steps can the EU take to ensure no European weapons fall into the wrong hands?


See the AFET interactive topic overview

Material Girl: In the wake of economic crises, such as the one triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, women are disproportionately affected, facing an increasing amount of challenges regarding wealth gaps, living conditions, and gender bias in the job market. What measures can the EU take to uplift women economically and ensure gender equality?


See the FEMM interactive topic overview

Given the rise of sophisticated attempts at election interference, the integrity of European Parliament elections
in June 2024 is considered to be at risk due to disinformation, cyberattacks, covert funding and many more.
What steps can the EU take to ensure its resilience to foreign interference and protect the 2024 European


See the INGE interactive topic overview

Trouble in heaven: With over two thirds of global offshore wealth accumulated in EU tax havens, offshore tax
havens within and outside Europe are a strain to Members States’ public budgets. How should the EU and its
Member States jointly address the criminal avoidance of taxes while respecting their citizens’ right to privacy and
foreign states’ sovereignty?


See the ECON interactive topic overview

The 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change set the goal of “holding the increase in the global average
temperature to well below two Degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels”. What role, if any, should nuclear
power play in reaching this goal and ensuring a sustainable and reliable energy supply for Europe?


See the ITRE interactive topic overview