Events of EYP CZ

Organising Team

Head Organisers

Karel Hynek

“If you can hear me…


Frame 162
Frame 167

Adam Kindl

… clap once”

Delegates Support

Ngoc Tuan Hoang (David) Tran

“Where is my Redbull, guys!”

Frame 163
Frame 166

Officials Support

Karolína Šlesingerová

“Could you repeat that in English, please?”

Teacher Support

Sophie Victoria Elbs 

“Now comes the part why everyone thinks EYP is a cult. *Alele*”

Frame 164
Frame 169

Venues Support

Jan Pašek

“What is the official language of EYP?”

IT & Stash Support

Maja Lipková

“Nap time is my happy hour.”

Frame 170

Programme Support

Saša Blažek

“My beloved Europe! 🇫🇷”

Catering Support

Jana Eisenhammerová

“Close the gap!”

Frame 168
Frame 165

Travel Support

Isabella Lucía Fernández

“Il mio sogno d’amor non sei più tu I tuoi baci non cerco, a te non penso Sogno un altro ideal💖💔”
