Good to know
Packing List
Packing List
- Documents (ID card/ Passport, Visa)
- Signed Code of Conduct and a picture of it
- Travel insurance if you are travelling from abroad
- Any medications you take regularly
- Laptop, tablet, smartphone, or any other electronic device where you can work (parts of Committee Work will be digital)
- Chargers for your electronic devices (Czech Republic uses the type E outlets), a power bank
- Money for Merch in cash if you have ordered any
- Eurovillage food, snacks and utensils
- Clothes in accordance with the Dress Code
- Toiletries and a towel
- A reusable cup or a 50 CZK as a deposit for one
Emeregency Numbers
Emergency Numbers
- State police – 158
- City police – 156
- Ambulance – 155
- Firefighters – 150
- European emergency number – 112
The conversion rate at this moment is 1 EUR = 25.120 CZK or 1 CZK = 0.039809 EUR
The best way to pay in the Czech Republic is by card. Don’t forget to always pay in the local currency if you are presented with the option to choose.
When searching for an exchange place, please try to change as close to the current exchange rate as possible.
Exchange in Prague:
- Exchange CZ, Štefánikova 203/23, Prague 5
- Směnárna Alfa Prague, Námésti republiky 1, Praha 1
Exchange in Liberec:
- Směnárna Liberec, Revoluční 66/2 Liberec
- Směnárna Liberec OC FORUM, nám. Soukenné 669/2a, Liberec
Alcohol Policy
Alcohol Policy
By Czech law, the drinking of alcohol is prohibited for people under 18 years of age. On all EYP CZ Conferences, 18+ participants are allowed to consume alcohol with only up to 15% of alcohol volume. This applies to ever component of any drink, so cocktails with any hard spirits are prohibited. The usage of any sort of hard drugs (including marijuana) is prohibited and punishable by law.
Participants from countries that do not have visa-free access to the Czech Republic have to obtain a visa from the consulate or embassy of the Czech Republic from your country.
Thanks to EU regulations, if you have a SIM registered anywhere within the EU, calling should cost the same as if you were in your home country. Otherwise, we recommend calling via WhatsApp.